Wednesday, April 15, 2009



If you want to add two more to your list of homegrown books, you can add these two.
I did this one when I was a Research Associate at the Air War College in 1981-1982, but it wasn't published until 1988. By the way, during that same year (1981-1982) I was a student in the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell and Mike Booker (from Schertz) was also in the same class (Mike was in Seminar 28 and I was in Seminar 9). In 1990, I was sent back from Germany to the Pentagon on TDY and when I walked into the office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, the executive officer looked at me, then pulled out a copy of the book and asked if I was the author. Apparently, it was a hot read in the run-up to the first Gulf War in 1991.
Apparently, it has been republished recently by University Press of the Pacific, though I didn't know anything about it. I suppose they received the OK from Air University to do so.
This is a version of my dissertation. It is priced way too high for a paperback, but maybe that's because the publisher is a German firm and they priced it in Euros (though even in Euros it is too expensive too). It's an interesting read, but I wouldn't spend that kind of money on it, unless one had a particular interest in the topic.

Ron Bergquist '64

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