Tuesday, April 22, 2008


On April 18th, I had lunch with Jackie Greene Muir - Class of '68 - jmuir@satx.rr.com

(I think I need some sun!!). Jackie lives out at Lake McQueeney and here is a personal note from her:

Have been a REALTOR with Mickey Ferrell, REALTORS, for over 20years…on Lake McQueeney. My husband passed away in 2003, since that time I have pretty much retired and other than an annual fund raiser at LAKE BREEZE SKI LODGE in my husband’s memory. SAMBO MUIR MEMORIAL FUND PRESENTS “OLD TIMER’S SKI SHOW”. AND I’M TALKING OLD!!!! Along with the my Board of Directors, we have raised a considerable amount of money to invest in our local kids further education, Lake McQueeney Ski Bees and the McQueeney Volunteer Fire Department. I have so much fun putting on the show; EMS is there with stretchers, sirens blaring….It’s like the Keystone Cops. We draw a “private” crowd of over 500 people each year and it is growing!! I have a beautiful grand daughter, Caroline “Cali” Laramore, going on 12 that I love to take on adventures to different places through out the year. We will accept invites any time, any where. It is fun seeing and trying to remember everybody who is checking into RoHawk site.

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