Friday, July 18, 2008


These pictures were submitted by Cal (Stan) Sumner. The first photo album page starting at top left: Leigh Goodfleisch, Top right: Teresa DeArza, mid left: Babs Clay, Mid Right: Sue Ohman, bottom left: Sue again, Bottom right: Jackie Green.

Second page: Linda Edgarian, Sherrie Smith, Barbie Dienz, Donna Pierini and Jackie Darling

Third page: Stan Sumner, Dog McGill and Michaela Rocky McGill, Jay Williams, Mary-Lou Swezey (Sweezy?)

Lastly, Joanna Dyas, Karen Knox, Carolyn Armold and Mike Bice, Debbie Dusard, Bonnie Horne and Michaela Rocky McGill --- Joanna Dyas and is that Harry Johnson??? Who is the girl in the polka dot bikini? It's Linda Knobloch. The back of the head of Dennis Reufer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Those pictures really bring back some memories, of life in
the summer at the O club pool! What a hoot! Blessings, Whiz