Saturday, May 03, 2008



I have enjoyed seeing and hearing about everyone's lives and families through the blog and as you know I have been meaning to share some family background and to send some pictures of our family and especially our three granddaughters for awhile and decided (with your encouragement) I better just stop everything else and go ahead before the summer crunch really starts here at the office and at the coast.

Sounds like the turnout for the reunion is really going to be good and I am so excited about being able to see so many from the 66 and younger classes that I haven't seen in 30 or 40+ years. Can't wait to hear what took them to all parts of the country and what paths their lives have taken.

As for Richard (Schertz 64) and I we have been married and in the real estate business on Pat Booker Rd for 37 years. My Mother and Daddy are still rather young (78 and 80) and doing pretty well. We bought the real estate company from them in 84 and my Dad remained active in realestate and golf until a couple of years ago. My Mother is still sharp (even after a heart attack in 05) and wish I had her mind for trading stocks. Richard's parents passed away several years ago but his brothers and sister live in the area.

We have two sons Sam 32 and Nick 30. Sam came to work with us about 4 years ago and he and his wife Kim have two daughters Macey 4 and Kamryn 7 mos. Nick is in commercial real estate in San Antonio and he and his wife Kimberly have one daughter Emerson 5 mos. Yes we have two daughters in law named Kimberly D. Prater which made for an interesting experience when they were having babies and went to see each other.

I must say our newest purpose in life as MiMi and P is such a joy. Our life for as long as I can remember was hunting, fishing, football and baseball. Now it is dress up, tea parties, princess camp recitals and bubble baths. Since football and baseball are over the sport of choice is off shore fishing and Sam and Nick and P are really trying to get the girls interested early (both Kim and Kimberly get sick off shore)

The pictures included are Christmas Eve (2007) at our home before church, Macey's 4th birthday pajama party at her house last month, and the girls and their Dads on the boat. Emerson and Kamryn think Macey hung the moon and are much happier in the wagon behind her Barbie jeep than with all of us Christmas Eve.

Thanks again Gloria and let me know what I can do to help.

Linda (a/k/a/Mimi)

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