Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hi Gloria,

Knowing that there are many civil pilots among the Randolph alumni, you may want to post the following letter informing aviators of a civil fly-in at Randolph on October 10th. This event was originally scheduled to occur in April, but weather forced a cancellation.Hope your dad is doing well.

Blue skies,Doug Greenleaf

Fellow Aviators,

Hello again from Randolph Air Force Base! As promised, the event you all signed up for in April is back on and rescheduled for 10 Oct 2009. Up until the 11th hour I was looking forward to the vast amount of GA aircraft that planned to land on this base. If you are able to take that Saturday of the Columbus Day weekend and make it out here, I would love to try this one more time and have your airplanes on the ramp.

The process is the same as before regarding the simple Form 2402. Please provide all the requested data on the front and back of the form. Specifically, fill out Block 2 (User) Section b (Individual or First Corporate Officer) and then on the back Block 5 (Remarks). This form needs to be mailed back to the address on the back of the form and received no later than the Wednesday (7 Oct) prior to the event.

Please circulate the attached flyer to anyone you know that might be interested in the event.

I look forward to meeting you all once again and seeing some of those awesome airplanes from the local area. If you have any questions you can contact me at the number and email below or at


DOUGLAS A. HAMLIN, Lt Col, USAFChief of Flight Safety, 12FTW/SEFDSN: 487-2224Comm: (210)652-2224Email:

NOTE FROM GLORIA: Could not get the forms on this post at this time. I'm sure if you email the person above he can provide same. Thanks

1 comment:

Chuck Elsey 67' said...

Flying into Randolph Field in an airplane I built is certainly on my "Bucket List". Weather permiting, I will be there.