This is Mr. Marvin Porter. He taught at RHS for many, many years. I took geometry and algebra from him. I didn't do too well. I know we will all remember what he used to call us when he would get frustrated with us... remember? NEENO-NINOS, right??? I spoke with Mr. Porter the other day right before John's funeral.... he said he had had surgery and couldn't get out of the house for a few more weeks. He remembers all of us and teaching like it was yesterday and tells some of the funniest stories of his time at RHS. Wouldn't it be great for him to receive a few notes from us?? Get well cards? AND, birthday cards because he will be 82 years old on November 22nd. I think it would be wonderful if you could find the time to send him a note to let him know that you are thinking of him or call him and cheer him up. OK? Do it!!! Love you guys, Gloria
Mr. Marvin Porter
231 Barbara
San Antonio, TX 78209
Telephone: 210-826-6687
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