Thursday, October 25, 2007

GAIL STEED McILHANY - Class of '64


Dear Gloria,

It was great getting your message. How are you doing? I'm sure you're enjoying being back in the RHS area.

Our son, Charles, got married in 2004 to a wonderful lady named Nadia. We also got an instant grandson--Nadia's son, Joe. He's now 23 and he and Charles are best friends.

Mac and I just got back from a 42nd Anniversary trip to Biloxi, MS and New Orleans, LA. We were there 3 years ago and loved it. We weren't sure how it would be after Katrina. There's still a lot of damage but they're moving onward. We had great weather and really enjoyed ourselves.

Any thoughts on a reunion? I wonder how many would come for a 50th Reunion?! I haven't been in San Antonio since the last reunion. Mac and I had a lot of fun there.

Mac is planning his retirement. It looks like it will be late 2008 or early 2009. We want to sell our house here and move to the Blacksburg, VA area. Charles and Nadia have been talking to us about building a house together there. We'd live in it and they'd have a place to stay when they come up for VA Tech games (Charles is a VA Tech alumnus). They want to retire there in about 20 years. :) I don't know if it will work out but we're in the talking stage.

We're all still trying to get over the shootings at VA Tech last spring. Charles was really stunned. He started out an Engineering major and had a lot of classes in Norris Hall. He absolutely loves VA Tech and is still trying to deal with what happened. He has season tickets for football games and the first game this year was very emotional.

I only have a few photos of myself and/or with Mac and Charles. We're planning on going to Charles and Nadia's for Thanksgiving. Nadia is an attorney but also a budding professional photographer. So, there should be a lot of pictures from that. I'll send you some photos when I have them. If you want, I can send one or two from Charles and Nadia's wedding. I look the same but I have my hair up in the wedding photos.

I thought I'd send this photo to you. It's of Mac and me at Charles (my son) and Nadia's wedding reception taken on May 15, 2004. They were married at the Chapel of University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Nadia is a MD grad.

Take care and thanks so much for doing the blog. I've looked at some of it and I'm very impressed! Take care.

Take care and thanks for everything.

Lots of love, Gail
Gail Steed McIlhany ‘64

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