What have I done for the last 40 years? Well, let's see...
After RHS, I went to SAC to pursue a career in electronics. But I decided that I really wanted to be on the other side of the microphone. So, after getting my electronics degree, I moved to Houston to study broadcasting at Career Academy. (Thank you Jack Posey and my friends at KTSA!)
Just prior to that move, I also got married. In January of '70, I turned up #6 in the final Draft lottery and was drafted about a month later. I voluntarily joined the Air Force to avoid the Army and having to go to 'Nam. After Tech School in Biloxi, I spent time in Japan and Taiwan before returning to San Antonio for my final year at Medina.
During that last year in San Antonio, I was able to land a part-time announcing gig on what was then KEEZ-FM. (It’s now KJ-97) That turned into a full time news job the day I was discharged from the Air Force. Unfortunately, or fortunately - as the case may be - on that same day I caught my wife of 4-1/2 years cheating on me and that was the end of that. I've been divorced ever since. I did come very close to re-marrying about 15 years ago, but that never happened. As far as kids, I don't have any that I'm aware of!
Professionally, I moved from KEEZ in San Antonio (one of the first two Clear Channel stations) to KXXO/KMOD in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I was the Assistant News Director, and then to All News KWBB in Wichita, Kansas, where I became News Director. From there, I moved to KWKH in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1977 and I've been here ever since. I was News Director at KWKH for 19+ years until the station was sold in August of ‘96. Now, through a series of consolidations, I'm News Director at News Radio 710 KEEL as well as KWKH and our other 4 Clear Channel Shreveport stations.
When I'm not on the air reporting the news, or out in the field chasing news stories, I'm heavily involved in the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) and have been for the past 20 years. I autocross a radically-modified 1965 Austin Mini every chance I get and I'm also active in the administrative side of keeping our sport as safe as possible - all the way up to the National level. I'm also heavily involved in my community - especially the Chamber of Commerce - and a number of other organizations.
So there, in a nutshell, is what I've been doing for the past 40 years. (3/2006)
John Lieberman