Saturday, September 18, 2010


Jerry Massey September 14 at 2:44pm - TRUE STORY!

I was waitin’ in room 315, Brook Army Medical Center, Sep 09, 2010, for my daughter and 4 yo grandson Lucas, who were enroute to pick me up after my release from a 10 day hospital stay due to my accident. I dozed, drifting lazily into light sleep, and had a delicious dream,,,,,,

As TJ, Lucas and I were crossing the BAMC lobby, we encountered a young soldier, with two stubbs where his legs used to be, expertly maneuvering his wheelchair through the throngs. He was flanked by a pert young woman with a very young child in her arms. My Lucas asked me, “Grandpa, why does that man have no legs?” I didn’t even have to think, I told him, “Because he loves YOU, Lucas!” You could see the thoughts revolving inside his 4 year old head, and he released my hand, crossed to the soldier and bear hugged his stump. The man was obviously embarrassed and full of wonderment at the actions of my small grandson. Lucas looked him directly in the eyes and stated emphatically, “I love you too!!!!!”

It had started as just another day, usual stuff around the house, post on FB before getting into chores, dismantle the toilet so I knew what parts I need to get, 10am found me in flip flops and boxers. I stuffed on my jeans, boots and a shirt, still don’t remember which shirt it was but it’s history now. Hit the road with the defective toilet lever in the fairing pocket. It was a nice morning, not hot yet but will be by the time I get home. Down to the end of Gin Rd, left, then back right onto Horseshoe Tr. Just puttin’ along, one of those days where you wonder whether you really deserved to live this well or not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Slow for the left hand 90, smooth accel back to 50 or so, not too much, right hand 90 coming up, slow, check out the motion in the road. So, what gives? Somethin in the road ahead. In a flurry of movement, 3 turkey buzzards, downshift, rap the pipes (cause that usually urges ‘em on), already rollin’ slow cause of the sharp turn, but not usin’ the speedo now, payin’ attention, the birds flap off listlessly to the right, no, the third bird’s goin’ left, s’rite, they’re leavin’, a little throttle, down to second and “SHIT”, left bird hangs a ueey and spins around after his buds, DIRECTLY at me, lean low on the bike, off the gas again, then WHAM, a virtual hammer blow to my left upper chest as the bird lifts me out of my seat, bike out of my hands, another ‘wham’ as I encounter the pavement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Prob never will know the exact order of impact, nobody there but me and the three birds, bruises all the way from my left outer knee to my middle left back, not much for bruises elsewhere, no road rash on my skull, only one tremendous gash all the way down to the bone. But everywhere else, forehead, nose, cheeks, both shoulders, both elbows, both forearms, both hands, both thumbs, all eight fist knuckles, but only the right index finger and left little finger, go figure,,,,,,,,,,,

Vision comes back with an extreme closeup of the dirt, I stand and see the blood splashing onto my feet, toilet parts and my glasses lens are in the road, bike is 50 yds further up, on the right shoulder, down but not twisted, retrieve my parts and put ‘em back in the fairing pocket.

Now a pickup truck, ‘911?’, he asks, and I respond, ‘no, I don’t think so’, another truck, bigger one, from the other direction, he’s already on the phone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I don’t remember the little details of ambulance, DPS, them cutting’ my clothes off. No real pain, no real blackness, just nothingness, then a moment of clarity, I’m being loaded into the chopper, look down and see Scott, “Hey Scott, buddy!” Wanna ask how his son Dillon’s doing, but I’m blank on Dillons name. Watch the comical recognition come over Scotts’ face as he shifts gears from one of the best LifeFlight attendants around to my friend, whos’ young son and my daughter bonded as she was nannying her way through college, nothingness again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Here’s the weird part, I took some kind of LSD trip or some such, no history of drugs to use for comparision, on drugs and endorphins I guess. Supposedly an overdose of drugs that some folks are more sensitive to than others are. I may never know the answer to that one either, but folks tell me I was WAY out of it, loud, abusive, determined to die, way more trouble than those fine medical professionals deserved that night, for sure. I was enough of a problem they drugged me to keep me restrained, whatever Serax is.

I had two collapsed lungs, 6 rib fractures, three abdominal drain tubes, and have a really cool scar on my head, but guess what, no headache. Hmmm

I seem to have experienced multiple ‘textbook’ recovery/reaction to treatments, with multiple regression/reintensifications of my injuries. I dunno why, but over all, I’m feelin’ a little better each day

I remember Debbie and my daughter bein’ there almost constantly, my son flew in from Seattle, Miss Joni graced me with her presence, and Mac McCabe came by with a bag of homemade chocolate chippies.

Second hand info says I was out of it all night Tues and all thru Wed, though I supposedly looked well enough on Wed day they were considering releasing me, till I fell ‘off the wagon’ again. No, Billy and Worth, I didn’t quit drinkin’ on purpose, but a ‘pain ball’ (left paraspinous muscles catheter) did make me dislike the taste of beer, lol. I went back and forth on Thurs, and was kept on the ventilator for 2 days. They moved me to a ward on Sunday, and things kept improving until Tues when I coughed and blew a hole in my left chest. That generated a generous supply of icky, sticky, gooey red stuff. Not blood, kinda looked like fingernail polish, exciting but not serious, ‘cept, I s’pose, it was serious for the linen ladies. Sorry girls.

So, now I’m home, with an ever increasing awe of the medical professionals.

Did ya ever stop to wonder how the mess hall can feed that many folks, in a building built like a labyrinth, cater to their whims and preferences, and do it in as timely a manner and with such a degree of efficiency and quality. I actually like hospital food, on the overall.

Learnin’ about the love of friends and family? Now, that’s another thing altogether. Y’all are a fine bunch of folks, and I’ll lay down my life for any of ya. Thanx for the love and prayers, not necessarily in that order. See ya on the road.
Jerry Massey
RHS '67

1 comment:

Judy in Spring Branch said...

Jerry - so glad I read your story since it meant you were alive to write it. If you were flown it meant you were iffy, otherwise we ground pound you in. So congrats, there is still a purpose for you.
Judy Sisk Millspaugh
Spring Branch TX
Class of 69