(Copy of email sent June 2, 2010)
Dear Fellow Ro-Hawks:
I'm sending this email to those of you who have mentioned to me that you might be going to the All Class Reunion in July but have not registered and/or cannot figure out how to Register online.
First, I want to remind you that I am not "in charge" of the preparations for this reunion - I'm just a facilitator to advise you of the reunion and the events. Most of the people involved went to RHS in the 70's.
That said, I'm forwarding you the information for your review and giving you an easier way to register. The schedule of events are below and you can pick and choose which one you want to attend and whether or not you want to stay in the hotel downtown where the reunion dinner will be held. If you can't and/or do not feel comfortable going to the website to register let me know which events you want to go to and I will register you. OK?
If you are able to get on the internet and want to register through the Reunion Website click on this link http://www.rohawk.net/registration2010.html and follow the steps. You can pay by check or credit card. Mike Berish '76 is charge of collecting the checks and you can either send him a check directly or contact him for him to send you an invoice. (At the moment, he and his wife, Sandy, are on a cross-country motorcycle trip - those crazy kids!) Mike's address is:
2300 Windy Hill Road
Kyle, TX 78640
Cell: (512) 663-3597
Link to the Official Registration page and complete the required information and select your events.
Pay the fees based on the events that you plan to attend (See pricing table at the end of the events listing below)
Secure your reservation at the Host Hotel
Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk
123 Losoya,
San Antonio, Texas, USA 78205
Tel: +1 210 222 1234 Fax: +1 210 227 4928
Maps & Directions
(Limited reservations available at $129/room + applicable taxes - Mention the reunion for the special rate)
Event Schedule
RECEPTION - Friday, July 9, 2010 - 6:00PM-???
Hyatt Regency - Rio Grande Ballroom
123 Losoya, San Antonio, Texas, 78205
RHS SCHOOL TOUR - Saturday, July 10, 2010
9:00-Noon - School Tours
Randolph High School, Randolph AFB, TX
PICNIC - Saturday, July 10, 2010
Eberle Park - Randolph AFB, TX
Gates open 11:00AM
Food service 12:00-1:00
Clean up 3:00 (Please help clean up) Gates close 4:00
DINNER/DANCE - Saturday, July 10 - 6:00PM-???
Hyatt Regency - Regency Ballroom - 123 Losoya, San Antonio, Texas
GOLF - Sunday, July 11, 2010, AM
PAY AS YOU GO EVENT (Course and Fees TBD)
(Deposit required for this event ($40). Actual fees will be determined and balance will be due at the event. We are shooting for the Universal City, Schertz area. We hope to finish around the time the Ro-Hawk Family Finale starts)
Ro-Hawk Family Finale - Sunday, July 11, 2010, Noon to 5PM
Forest Waters Club, Garden Ridge (near the base) $5/adult; (kids - under 14 free) Burgers and Dogs served 1:00-3:00 - Cash Bar Open at Noon -
Ro-Hawk Reunion Costs:
(These are per person costs )
(Note: Faculty/Staff of RHS and their spouses will be admitted at no charge to all events (except Golf) but you still must register so we can have enough place settings.)
- Friday Night Reception $30
- Saturday Picnic $15
- Saturday Night Dinner/Dance $65
- All 3 above Events $105
- School Tour Free
- Golf $40 deposit
- Ro-Hawk Family Finale $ 5
Click Here to Register and to see who is already registered
or send your check directly to:
2300 Windy Hill Road
Kyle, TX 78640
Cell: (512) 663-3597
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me - I will be attending the dinner Saturday evening.
Gloria Campbell Gallagher '65
739 Haven Point Loop
New Braunfels, TX 78132
Hm: 830-626-0942
Cell: 830-822-0065