Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MICHAEL WAGNER '65 (Deceased)

"I finished the article on Mike and got a photo from his wife to use. You can now go to Wikipedia and search under the name 'Michael B. Wagner' and see the article. Or go to this link:


Also, if you search under 'Randolph High School' you will see a list of several potential entries. Click on the one called 'Randolph High School at Universal City' (I don't know why it's not listed as 'at R.A.F.B.'). At the end, under a list of notable alumnae, you will find Mike!


Unless Wikipedia takes this down for some reason (something I highly doubt) it will be there forever. Please tell your email friends about it so they too can read about Mike and enjoy a great photograph of him."

Terry Smiljanich '65

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